Sunday, January 3, 2010

Insulin Pumps For Children What Insulin Pump Is Best For A Young Child?

What insulin pump is best for a young child? - insulin pumps for children

I'm looking for 4 years to get an insulin pump, does not mention, however, are looking for websites that when choosing a pump. Does anyone know of a site, or can personally recommend a pump for a toddler? Please let me know what are the advantages and disadvantages that you've discovered, after your child. Thanks


ItsJustM... said...

Insert a 3 1 / 2 years in the Animas pump last year and worked hard. One feature to look to young children is so small basal dose is given to them. Some pumps offer a way (around 5 per hour), but the dose is given as 2 times an hour. The Animas pump is very small doses several times an hour. The two ways for the same amount, but there is a difference.
I believe that all pumps have the lockout function.
The use of different pumps and different series in May, as some more than others. Questions representative of the pump, so you can try a pair.

Marty said...

I recommend the Deltec Cozmo pump for many reasons. First, you have a meter connected to the pump if there is one thing, the less you have to worry about carrying around too. Secondly, it has excellent properties. You can use the values of certain foods containing carbohydrates are stored in the pump. More importantly, it has a locking function so that only someone with the combination of a bolus can be administered insulin. This function is very useful if the child goes to school.

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